But it alarmed local elites. Polish nobles were deprived of cheap agricultural labour, Austrian and Hungarian military officials of conscripts. 以前は、こんな単純な文章でもつまづいたもんだ。
>問題点4:there- 構文と説明を加えているのは適切ですが、次に示している挙例がすべて存在を表す there is 構文であるのはまったく不適切です。 >[例]All afternoon there was sunshine and rain by turns. >[例]In the film-studio there is the most insane extravagance, and unexpected parsimony over a few pence.
I feel that (じゃまいかと思う) there is still wanting to them (彼らにはまだ足らないと) a just appreciation of the excellence of their calling, (彼らの天職の優越性をまさしく認識することが) and a general understanding of the high nature of the work which they perform (また彼らが遂行する仕事の高きなることの一般的理解が)
【考察】 原文で「彼らの職の卓越性の正しき認識」と「その果たす務めの高き本性への理解」を andで結んでいるが、ここの文面だけ見ると同じことの言い換えのようにも見える。 「存在を表す there is 構文」なんて解説は要らないじゃまいか。 まあ講談社現代新書一冊を振りかざして1500円と大声でわめく児童には そんなものがあろうがなかろうがわかりようがない。
>>57 あぁなるほど。 この解説者は、 there be S 構文の基本形である単純な存在を表す用法と、問題文のようにSの後ろにC'がつく用法を区別しているのかな。 さらにMもついて主部が重くなるから述部の核であるC'の still wanting to them が there is のすぐ次に出てきていると。 そういう例文を示すべきだったと言いたいのだろうか。挙げた例が簡単すぎると。
例題65 To me it seems that youth is like spring, an overpraised season-- delightful if it happen to be a favoured one, but in practice very rarely favoured and more remarkable, as a general rule, for biting east winds than genial breezes.
英文標準問題精講P.23(9) Our species is the only creative species, and it has only one creative instrument, the individual mind and spirit of a man. Nothing was ever created by two men. There are no good collaborations, whether in music, in art, in poetry, in mathematics, in philosophy. Once the miracle of creation has taken place, the group can build and extend it, but the group never invents anything. The preciousness lies in the lonely mind of a man.
Chapter I: The Extent Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines—Part I. Introduction. The Extent And Military Force Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines.
In the second century of the Christian Aera, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind. The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by ancient renown and disciplined valor. The gentle but powerful influence of laws and manners had gradually cemented the union of the provinces. Their peaceful inhabitants enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury.
練習問題7 We all go through life wearing spectacles coloured by our own tastes, our own calling, and our own prejudices, measuring our neighbours by our own tape-measures, summing them up according to our own private arithmetic. We see subjectively, not objectively; what we are capable of seeing, not what there is to be seen. It is not wonderful that we make so many bad guesses at that prismatic thing, the truth.
練習問題34 If the reader will excuse me, I will say nothing of my antecedents, nor of the circumstances which led me to leave my native country; the narrative would be tedious to him and painful to myself. Suffice it, that when I left home (★)it was with the intention of going to some new colony, and either finding, or even purchasing, waste land suitable for cattle or sheep farming, by which means I thought that I could better my fortunes more rapidly than in England.
練習問題41 There are few modern novels that excite my interest, and I do not know what I should do for relaxation were it not for the innumerable detective stories (★)that so engagingly pass the time and once read pass straight out of one's mind.
★のthatはdetective storiesを先行詞とする関係代名詞ですか? もし、そうだとすると、pass the timeの主語はdetective storiesになって 変ではありませんか?pass the timeの主語は人がこないと意味が通じないと思う のですが、どのように考えればいいでしょうか?
54 Wellington is said to have chosen his officers by their noses and chins. The standard for them in noses must have been rather high, to judge by the portraits of the Duke, but no doubt he made allowances.
疑問 @the DukeはWellingtonのことですか? Ano doubt he made allowances 解説で make allowance for〜とありますが、 省略されてるfor〜以下の内容は the portraits of the Dukeのことですか? つまり、実際の人物より高く書いたと理解していいのでしょうか?
>>234 ... he made allowances [for less shapely (less prominent) noses]. ということだと思う。
その根拠 make allowances for = treat leniently on account of mitigating circumstances (ODE Third Edition)
例文 - ... allowances should be made for their inexperience. (Merriam-Webster's Advanced)
Treat leniently on account of mitigating circumstances: (1) she liked them and ●made allowances for● their faults (2) Even ●making allowance for● the many weaknesses on the visiting side, Wicklow could be more than happy with their overall display. (3) That way they can ●make allowance for● your short temper and sharp tongue. (4) It is simply not credible - even if we ●make allowance for● stupidity - to make those outlandish claims in this House. (5) Punters are aware of the Fringe's tight resources and ●make allowances for● inconveniences such as badly designed ticket wallets and box office problems. (以上、Oxford Dictionaries Pro より)
上記のように、make allowances for は「〜を大目に見る、斟酌する、考慮する」 という意味で、そのあとには「欠点や問題点や困った点」を表すような名詞が来る。 make allowances for [someone] とは言わないようだ。もしも someone を入れるのなら、make allowances for someone's faults などのように、 やはり「誰それの欠点、誰それの問題点、誰それの鼻が低いという点など」が for のあとに来ないといけない。ゆえに、一番上に挙げたように he made allowances [for less shapely noses, less prominent noses] などという意味のはずだ。
Fontenelle at the age of ninety, being asked what was the happiest time of his life, said he did not know that he had ever been much happier than he then was (★)but that perhaps his best years had been those when he was between fifty-five and seventy-five, and Dr. Johnson placed the pleasures of old age far higher than those of youth.
★のbut thatのthatはどんな役割があるのですか? he did not know that(A)・・・but that(B)・・・と考えていいですか? 上のように考えた場合、(A)であることはしらないが、(B)であることはしっていた。 という風な訳になるのでしょうか?
>>240 ここでの but that の that には、どういう役割があるかという質問に対しても 答えよう。that があるからこそ、そのずっと前の Fontenelle... said から 続いており、この but that 以下は Fontenelle の台詞だとわかる。
もしも that がなかったら、これが Fontenelle の台詞なのか、あるいは 著者あるいは一般的な考え方から照らして、Fontenelle の best years は こういう時期だったということを述べているのかわからなくなる。 that があるおかげで、はっきりとこの but that のあとの節は Fontenelle の 台詞なのだとわかる。
Dora stopped listening because a dreadful thought had struck her. She ought to give up her seat. She rejected the thought, but it came back. There was no doubt about it. The elderly lady who was standing looked very frail indeed, and it was only proper that Dora, who was young and healthy should give her seat to the lady who could then sit next to her friend. Dora felt the blood rushing to her face. She sat still and considered the matter. There was no point in being hasty. It was possible of course that while clearly admitting that she ought to give up her seat she might nevertheless simply not do so out of pure selfishness. This would in some ways be a better situation than what would have been the case if it had simply not occurred to her at all that she ought to give up her seat.
最後のwhat would have been the caseがわかりません。 what she is などの用法と同じですか? the case の意味は?
>>245 >>This would in some ways be a better situation than ★what would have been the case★ if it had simply not occurred to her at all that she ought to give up her seat.
"what would have been the case" は、 "what would have been true" とか "what would have happened" とかいうような意味。
It happened one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen in the sand.
>>257 It happened one day ●that●, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen in the sand.
>>257 It happened ●that● one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen in the sand.
そのうち、一つだけを見せる。 But ●it happened that● one day when she was in church, ★she heard★ a sermon in which the preacher told of the horrible pains of hell ordained for those who refused to stop committing the sin of lechery, and
It happened one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen in the sand.
I believe the first test of a truly great man is his humility. I do not mean by humility, doubt of his own power, or hesitation of speaking his opinions; but a right understanding of the relation between what he can do and say, and the rest of the world's sayings and doings. All great men not only know their business, but usually know that they know it; and are not only right in their main opinions, but they usually know that they are right in them; only they do not think much of themselves on that account.
内容についての疑問 @All great men not only know their business, but usually know that they know itについて but以下がなぜgreat menなのか理解できません。 「自分が知ってることを知っている」って当たり前のことではありませんか?
Aright in their main opinionsとright in themのちがいがわかりません。
>>270 they know their business なら、仕事の内容、進め方、業界の様子、製品や技術、 顧客や市場の動向を熟知していること。しかし、それを熟知しているということを はっきり意識していないかもしれない。しかし they know that they know their business とは、仕事の内容を熟知しているということをはっきり意識している という意味。
right in their main opinions と right in them とは同じこと。 their opinions の繰り返しを避けて them と言っているだけ。
they know their business のbusinessは、 "Mind your own business!" のように、、「すべきこと、本分、職務」ではないでしょうか。 つまり、「自分のすべきことをわきまえている」だと思います。 「すべての偉人たちは、単に本分をわきまえていたり、正しい意見を持っているだけではなくて、普通はそれらを自覚している。 彼ら(偉人たち)は、それだからと言って自惚れたりしないだけなのだ。」 前文の内容を言い換えあるいは説明した文章だと思います。
編集途中で書き込んでしまいました。 mind your bussinessのbusinessは個人的な関心事なので別物でした。 また、私の「本分を弁える」は「出過ぎたことをしない」になってしまうので日本語としてダメでした。 「高い能力を持っている」ことの言い換えとして本職(や関心領域)についてよく分かっていると
偽humility A doubt of his own power B hesitation in speaking of his opinions
真humility=all great men a right understanding of the relation between what he can do and say, and the rest of the world's sayings and doings.
A' know that they know it{ they know their business} B' know that they are right in them{their main opinions}
only they do not think much of them selves on that account.
ABとA'B'、細かく言えばAとA'、BとB'が対比されています。 偉人は本分を知っている"know their business"から偉大な業績を残せます。 そして、そのことを自覚している"they know it"のです。 だからこそ、自らの力量を疑うこと"doubt of his own power"がないのです。
僕は >>271 を書いた。確かに know one's business は職業とか業界とか仕事のこと を熟知しているという意味だけでなく、「本分をわきまえている」という意味にも 解釈できそうだ。今回の文脈においては、そういう意味でとらえた方がいいのかも しれない。ただ、職業に絡んだ意味で解釈できなくもないと思う。職業や 業界に絡んで to know one's business (OR job or profession OR industry) という言葉を使っていると思われる例文を、Google Books すなわち書籍本文 検索サイトから抜き出してみる。
(1) I know talent and ●I know this industry●. I know what the public wants and I know what sells.
(2) As I explained to you, I have been around this industry all my life. My father was a presser. ●I know this industry●, and I know ...
(3) Please don't worry, ●I know my profession●, I'm lucky at war; a commission and the cross await me.
(4) I know my duties in life," he assured his friends firmly. "●I know my profession● better now than when I left Boston,
(5) What is your greatest achievement in your profession? I have accomplished the know how to be in touch with pediatric dentistry and ●I know my profession● very well. Now I feel very ..
(6) “You're so confident in what you do.” “●I know my job● and what it takes to get it done.”
(7) And I'm good enough to do this. ●I know my job●. My job is to sit here comfortably now. I'm doing ...
(8) ●I know my job.● I knew my job, and I did my job very well, for seventeen long years. (続く)
>>278 の続き (9) And whether the evening is long or short, ●I know my job●. My time is short any way I look at it. Remember, our business as a Christian, our one obligation, our vocation in the time allotted us is to be a faithful witness of the Lord Jesus Christ by ...
(10) Listen to me, I say. I can't. Izzy, damn it, stop and think. I'm a big city cop. One little cog in a tremendous machine. ●I know my job● and I do it pretty well except that sometimes I ...
(11) “I'm sorry, Cait, but you know the rules.” She waved away his apology. “I'm not pissed at you, Wales. ●I know my job● and I know it's not always what it seems. I'm a pawn. I can be sacrificed. It's just... I dunno. (続く)
(12) They're gone now, of course. All the old bookstores are gone now. You know, you could go into any of those stores and the guy there would really help you. ●They knew their business.● They certainly did. ★I know my business★, too, Mr. Wynn.
(13) But ●I know my business●. I'm good at it. Your business is teachin' English. You're good at that. But your part of my business is over. Stay out. I appreciate your good intentions, but this is my job.”
(14) I do this by having confidence in myself—not arrogance, but the genuine confidence that comes from using all the strategies I have discussed so far in this book. ★I know my business★ and my products thoroughly, I am passionate about what I do, ...
というわけで、>>270 の原文に出てくる business という単語は、「本分」とか 「なすべきこと」とでもいうような意味だな。英語の business という言葉は、 お金になろうがなるまいが、さらには人の役に立とうが立つまいが、遊びであろうが 何であろうが、ときには人殺しさえをも含めた人間のあらゆる活動を business という言葉で総称することができそうだ。だから便利だ。
その一方、日本語ではそれに相当する単語がないみたいだ。英語の business という 言葉の使われているあらゆる状況に適合する万能の言葉がない。だからあるときは 「本分」であり、「なすべきこと」であり、「仕事」となったりする。「仕事」と してしまうと、通常はお金になるような活動だけを指してしまいそうだ。
しかし今回の英語原文における business はおそらく、たとえば地区の自治会活動や、 老人会や子供会の活動、ママさんバレーの同好会活動、子供に無報酬で書道やダンス を教える地元の活動、家族における人間関係、近所の人とのおつきあいなども すべて含まれるのだろうと思う。(間違っていたら、教えてほしい。)
引用文の後に、偉人が自分の業績の凄さを自覚しているエピソードが続きます。 そして著者は、「ただ、偉人たちは、他人が自分達にひれ伏し崇拝することを期待しなかった」のだ、ともう一度偉人の謙虚さをアピールします。 問題はその後で、 they have a curious under-sense of powerlessness, feeling that the greatness is not in them, but through them; that they could not do or be anything else than God-made them. And they see something divine and God-made in every other man they meet, and are endlessly, foolishly, incredibly merciful. と続きます。謙虚さは偉人の人格の話かと思ったら、神への敬意が源泉だったわけです。 また、検索するとどうもbusinessを(勤め)として使用している例が多い気がしました。
That men's proper ★business★ in this world falls mainly into three divisions:
●First, to know themselves●, and the existing state of the things they have to do with.
●Secondly, to be happy in themselves●, and in the existing state of things.
●Thirdly, to mend themselves, and the existing state of things●, as far as either are marred or mendable.
These, I say, are the three plain divisions of proper human business on this earth. For these three, the following are usually substituted and adopted by human creatures:
●First, to be totally ignorant of themselves●, and the existing state of things.
●Secondly, to be miserable in themselves, and in the existing state of things●.
●Thirdly, to let themselves, and the existing state of things, alone● (at least in the way of correction).
ということは、men's business とは Ruskin に言わせると、あの当時の 敬虔なキリスト教徒らしい、欲望を抑えておとなしく生きるべきこと、というような 感じかなと思います。
後期10日 練習問題106 That everyone shall exert himself in that state of life in which he is placed, to practice true humanity toward his fellow men, on that depends the future of mankind. この部分が分かりません どなたか解説お願いいたします
英文標準問題精講 後期10日 練習問題108 It is this twofold aspect of the use to which science can be put that has raised in acute form the question as to how far it is morally justifiable to make and perfect discoveries and invention which can be used for purpose of destruction or result in the ultimate impoverishment of a man.
acute form the question 鋭敏な疑問という意味でしょうか
perfect discoveries and invention の部分が全体とどう繋がっているのか分かりません
後期10日 練習問題88 But in an old manwhi has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death somewhat lower his dignity
whatever work it was in hin to doの所が文法的に分かりません どなたかよろしくお願い致します
後期10日 練習問題88 But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death somewhat lower his dignity
whatever work it was in him to doの所が文法的に分かりません どなたかよろしくお願い致します
後期練習問題85 The conventional statement that human nature does not change is reasonable only so long as attention is focused on those aspect of it which are least distinctively human.
those aspect of it which are の部分が文法的に分かりません どなたか教えて頂けますか?
練習問題82 But she would have been then, and to me she was even while she was mistaken, on the path to human knowledge which goes by way of the making and correcting of concepts
But she would have been then, and to me she was even while she was mistaken の部分が文法的に分かりません どなたかよろしくお願い致します
勝浦 郡章 (かつうら くにゆき) 香川県高松市生まれ 東京外国語大学卒・U Cサンフランシスコ校で言語学を学ぶ 通訳案内士(1988年)・英検1級取得(1989年) 海外生活歴4年 (米国・欧州・東南アジア) これまでの大学受験英語講座の講義時間総数 およそ2万時間 受験参考書『チュンプルズ』の発刊 since 1993 (B 5版 300ページ) 『チュンプルズ』の作成時間数 およそ8,000時間 『サンシャイン3』 音読回数 1,150回(筆写 20回) as of September 12, 2015 『英文標準問題精講』 音読回数 320 回 as of September 7, 2015 『新・基本英文700選』 音読回数 550回 as of December 23, 2016 『和文英訳の修業 (500選)』 音読回数 180回 as of January 27, 2017 『改訂 英作文の栞 (620選)』 音読回数 60回 as of January 10, 2017 『小倉百人一首』 音読回数 360回 as of November 15, 2016 『英語は絶対勉強するな』(CD・71分) Shadowing 140回 as of April 05, 2017
What people who say such things forget is そんなことを言う人たちが忘れていることは that [what a man earns] he usually spends, [人が稼いだもの]は使うのが当たり前で、 and <in spending> he gives employment. そして <使う際には> 雇用を生み出すのである
初期10日 16 But in childhood all books are books of divination, telling us about the future, and like the fortune teller who sees a long journey in the cards or death by water they influence the future.
and like the fortune teller〜は倒置になっていて前に出てきているという解釈でよろしいでしょうか
倒置しなかった場合、 they influence the future like the fortune teller 〜
いやでもこれ難しいや andで繋いでるのが普通なら 文法的にはSVandSVなんだろうけど 意味的にはC and Cにも思えるから All books are books of divination and like the fortune teller すべての本は予言の書であり、占い師のようである 前置詞付き名詞は文型の要素から外せの原則からなら こうはならないが・・・意味的には
初期10日 16 But (in childhood) all books are books of divination, telling us about the future, (and like the fortune teller who sees a long journey in the cards or death by water) they influence the future.
初期10日 16 But (in childhood) all books are books of divination, telling us about the future, (and like the fortune teller who sees a long journey in the cards or death by water) they influence the future.
SVC and SVOじゃないの?(形容詞節は省略) 今手元にないから>>481>>482の書き抜きからだけど。
But (in childhood) all books are books of divination, (telling us about the future), and ( like the fortune teller who sees a long journey in the cards or death by water) they influence the future.
>>480 違うんじゃないかな。 @But (in childhood) all books are books (of divination, telling us about the future), Aand they influence the future (like the fortune teller who sees a long journey in the cards Bor death by water)
等位接続詞@ABは等値されているものの レベルが違う。 @Butは前の文とこの文全体。 Aandはこの問題の一番のポイントだが all books〜とthey〜の2つの文。 Borは関係詞節の中の2つの名詞、 journeyとdeath。
But (in childhood) all books are [books of divination, telling us about the future], and [like the fortune teller who sees a long journey in the cards or death by water] they influence the future.
この最後のthey influence the futureという文が、 カンマも接続詞も無しで前から続いていること になるので非文となる。従って間違い。
英長からの質問なんですが… At no time did it occur to us that we could do more or better without the machine. On the contrary by using them wisely we managed to live a freer life than is possible without them.
than is possible without themの所が分かりません どなたか教えてくれませんでしょうか
At no time did it occur to us that we could do more or better without the machine. On the contrary by using them wisely we managed to live a freer life than is possible without them.
It is scarcely an exaggeration to say that at present mankind as a species is insane and that nothing is so urgent upon us as the recovery of mental self-control.
It is scarcely an exaggeration to say that at present mankind as a species is insane and that nothing is so urgent upon us as the recovery of metal self-gold.
>>603 At no time did it occur to us that we could do more or better without the machine. On the contrary by using them wisely we managed to live a freer life than is possible without them.
少し前からポツポツ読んでるけど、面白いな。 whatever garden are in the city, probably, attract you. はAny garden which is in the city .... と同じなんだね。 勉強になった。 解説を基本読まずに、引用されてる英文とチャート図だけ見てる。 高校三年の夏にやってた。こういうものを難しいとも思わずにやってたけど あの頃から進歩したはずなのに、不思議だな。進歩がほぼないのかと 思ってしまう。
Then came war. From France I wrote her a letter, in which I told her all the things I had lacked the power to say in her presence. I sent the letter to her only address I knew ? she had left it years before ? not expecting, not even hoping very much, that she would receive it. I wrote it for my own satisfaction, in order to make explicit all that I felt. I had no doubt that I should soon been dead. It was a letter addressed not so much to a woman as to God, a letter of explanation and apology posted to the universe.