んじゃシンプルな質問にしてやっから。 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/s3731127306/20130108/1357603340 の Here I quote from the same paper:― に続く引用はどこまでか? 俺様的には Let us have the fact impressed on our minds, that the English language is made up of English words, and that they have got to be kneaded each in its turn.” までであるように見える。 これで正しいか? (引用符の勘定が合わないのは紙版でも同じ)
>>24 横だけど。 引用とか会話がパラグラフをまたぐときは 引用符を綴じないでまた引用符をつけるのも知らないのか? 前スレで自分で「意味がわからない」と読解力がないのを認めてるんだからもう止めなさいよ。 読んだけど、俺は日本人がこれを書いたとは思えない、それくらい凄い、と思った。 こう言うとまた「どこが良いか述べよ」というだろうから先に言っておくが… 最初から一貫して強気にも “That an Ideal Dictionary be compiled. Words are nothing in themselves, and everything in combination. In the case of words, combination comprises construction and association. A verb without its constructions is no verb. と言い切り、さらに For, must I tell you that the study of English is just such a chemistry―a mighty chemistry which has to deal with thousands of elements, whose combinations know no limit or bounds? と述べた後にもEnglish teacherの前に立ちはだかる困難を語る。 なぜ難しいか、それは冒頭にも述べられている通り、 English is to us the representative language of the West, and comprehends all Western culture. だからだ。 英語を学ぶことの難しさをここまでの説得力を持ってしかし軽快に書いているのが面白く、 本をめくりたくなる序文だと思う。
斉藤氏や例の巨大な OED の辞書の記述やスーパーアンカー英和などを片っ端から こき下ろし、それでいながら「名刺にかく人名の下には、たとえば "Veterinarian in Japan" と書くべきだ」と言ってみるかと思うと、今度は >>24 では >>26 が指摘してくれたように引用符の使い方の初歩さえ知らないことが暴露された。
>>24 は、これからは、Veterinarian in Japan とか何とかいうコテをつけろ。 いつもの貴様だと特定できていたら、今回の斉藤氏の序文をこき下ろしたときにでも、 俺は反応しないで放置していただろう。他のスレには「えワ」という本物の 気違いが常駐しているが、そいつのことは俺も他の住民も放置している。 お前も放置してやるから、コテをつけろと何度も言っているだろう? 第一、貴様にレスする時間がもったいないんだよ。
Michael Ondaatje, The English Patientに突入 進行よりも手つかずの本が増えるスピードが速い 3000用例を一応の目標にするならばもう今年は買わなくていいかも
will When she is solitary she will sit, aware of the nerve at her ankle, damp from the long grasses of the orchard. することがよくある Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient ▪ 現在の習慣
wide It was long past midnight and he was wide awake again. すっかり Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient ▪ 副詞のwide
The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes 欲しくなったわ 注釈が赤てかっこいいやんけ
今日のノルマは終了 わりとよいものを
belligerent ‘Tell me, is it possible to love someone who is not as smart as you are?’ Caravaggio, in a belligerent morphine rush, wanted the mood of argument. けんか腰の Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
hiccup As he came slouching across the lawn I heard Mr. Trevor make a sort of hiccoughing noise in his throat, and jumping out of his chair, he ran into the house. しゃっくりをする Conan Doyle, The “Gloria Scott”
assumption The doorman offered to take the pack, but he said, ‘No, she wants to carry it,’ and she was angry again at his assumption. 決めつけ, 勝手な先読み Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
Uncharacteristically Uncharacteristically manic [mad], he attacks the history of exploration. When he is unhappy he does this. Only Madox recognizes the habit. 柄にもなく Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
fondly In the empty shop, I listened carefully to the owner, who fondly watched me eat each bite as if he were feeding a cat. いとおしそうに Orhan Pamuk , My Name Is Red ▪ 語り手は犬
experts in academic fields often show off the depth of their knowledge by mentioning some arcane and esoteric fact as if it was common for everyone to know https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/arcane
assuage これが"sweet"から来ていて、add sth sweet to sth unpleasantであるという 語解を与えれば「和らげる」「なだめる」「甘露を与える」の意味は自明となる。
asunder 「(文語)ばらばら」じゃわかりようがない。 これが新約聖書からきていて、結婚式で頻出する表現 "what God has joined together let no man put asunder" に生き残っているために誰でも知っていて、現在でも流用されることがある、 なんて説明してくれればわからないではいられない。
remonstrate I have told you that she had only recently recovered from an illness, and was looking so wretchedly pale and wan that I remonstrated with her for being at work. 強く反対する Conan Doyle, The Musgrave Ritual
bespeak If I were to consider her tone, which bespoke a timid maiden quite afraid of her father, I’d have to conclude that not a single word about me had passed between them. 示す, 物語る Orhan Pamuk , My Name Is Red
depict The film depicted the Hell’s Angels as reckless, violent, and antisocial, and the police as decent, upstanding, and trustworthy. として描写する Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
zealot “You. Are. Mine,” he says, each word a staccato. “Do you understand?” He’s so earnest, so impassioned―a zealot. The force of his plea is so unexpected and disarming. 熱狂者 E. L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey
flimsy Behind her curtains, the princess listened in silence. He was aware of her presence, for the blinds were flimsy and makeshift. 薄っぺらな Murasaki Shikibu, The Tale of Genji, trans. Edward Seidensticker
play, play along When customers ask me for my “recipe,” I play along. “Flour,” I say, ticking off on my fingers. “Salt. Water.” 応じるふりをする Becky Hagenston, Rise, New England Review, Vol. 37, No. 2 (2016)
uniformly Whereas elsewhere the forest canopy was uniformly green, these fruit stood out black against green. 一様に Yann Martel, Life of Pi
incidental “It is of the highest importance in the art of detection to be able to recognize, out of a number of facts, which are incidental and which vital. 付随的, 二次的 Conan Doyle, The Reigate Squires
本日の俺様はAの項がまだ終わらない、以外のネタがないが、 掲載不要と思われるが反対語と併せるとやっぱり挙げておきたい、 というときには例文としてこういうのをでっち上げる: autogamy the opposite of allogamy is autogamy, or self-pollination/fertilization jika jufun
waft She heard a nun’s voice singing the boat song. A clear soprano wafting over vinegar fumes and pickle vats. ふわりと漂う Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things
順行照応のit Jesse doesn’t like it when I call him Dad, but I still do. Brent van Staalduinen, Skinks, The Fiddlehead, No. 267 (Spring 2016) ▪ 21.3.2.B
hear, hear tell I heard tell that half the men in this neighborhood had perished in the wars with Persia and (...) 噂に聞く Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red
weep If you've never wept and want to, have a child. 涙を流して泣く David Foster Wallace, Incarnations of Burned Children, Oblivion: Stories ▪ このあと195語の長い一文が続き, そのまま短編が終わるため, この短文が劇的な効果をあげる. 本文はワンパラグラフ, 9センテンス, 1124語.
>>175 の "I heard tell that (節)" をフランス語に直訳すると J'ai entendu dire que だけど、これは実に頻繁に日常会話でも出てくる。 Google Books で検索しても、 https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=%22j%27ai+entendu+dire+que%22 このようにたくさんの例文が並ぶ。
confess A silence filled the room when he confessed he’d murdered Elegant Effendi. 白状する Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red
calculated My black-eyed beloved smiled slightly and shed a few tears. Then, in the calculated fluster [state of anxiety] of a woman hoping to accomplish a lot in a short time, she changed the subject: 計算ずくの Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red
俺様の辞書はAの項の改訂がようやく終了した。 例文を大幅に増補したので8ページだったのが22ページに膨れたが、 acorn (don guri)で済ませていたのを it's one of the finest and softest cured hams in the world, made from black pigs fed with grass, cereals and acorns ; the diet may be strictly limited to olives or acorns for the best quality jamón ibérico, or may be a mix of acorns and commercial feed for lesser qualities としてハモン・イベリコのとろける脂身を想起できるようにしたので、 読みやすく、かつ実用性が増強された。 俺様好みの文集は俺様がつくるしかない。 ますます俺様/アテクシの辞書をもつべき証左であるな。
The cloudless ★azure★ sky contrasted vividly with the deep green of the trees which rustled gently in the afternoon breeze, and on the horizon he could make out the hazy outline of one of the country's many extinct volcanoes , which shimmered like a flickering mirage in the distance.
azure Finally they stood by the lighthouse, exhausted, surrounded by water on three sides, pale green in the harbor, azure behind. 紺碧 Jhumpa Lahiri, The Namesake
Small white clouds are etched against the azure sky. 真っ青な空 Kafka on the Shore
Did you suspect by so much as a mist of dew That the azure bloom would one day be a deep purple? あさみどりわか葉の菊を露にても濃きむらさきの色とかけきや Murasaki Shikibu, The Tale of Genji, trans. Edward Seidensticker
俺様はいわゆるプログレ少年で、azureという表現を知ったのも Azure d'Or(Renaissance 1979)なわけだが、これはいわゆる第2期Renaissance、 つまりPrologue('72)からA Song for All Seasons('78)に至るまでの 黄金時代、その終焉を告げる残念なアルバムであった。 したがってazureという言葉も残念なauraを伴って理解し、その印象が 今なお強く持続を示す現在完了形、という寸法である。 azureという言葉は俺様的には使う気にならず、俺様の辞書の記述が 陰湿になるのも当然のべし、すなわち、推量意志仮定当然勧誘命令、acronymで 「スイカと亀」を意味する「べし」のうち、「当然のべし」が該当する:
azure [AZH-ər] Fr. mistranslation of the Arabic word “lapis lazuli” ― the dazzling deep blue stone common in Afghanistan ; Azure d'Or (Renaissance 1979) ; MS Windows Azure (a cloud computing system) ; cf. azurine, azurite, Côte d'Azur
動詞一語の文 “Pa, are we going to break into this house?” He sat back. Frowned. He’d misread me. “Have people been saying things?” I nodded. Daniel Alarcón, City of Clowns, New Yorker, June 16, 2003
encircle Wonderful likewise were the gardens made by Zokkar the olden king. In the centre of Sarnath they lay, covering a great space and encircled by a high wall. 完全に取り囲まれている H. P. Lovecraft, The Doom that Came to Sarnath ▪ were wonderful 倒置
>>196 "I hear say" の表現がフランス語からの直輸入のように見えると、僕は >>176 で 言った。そのときには OED を見るのが面倒だったので見なかった。いま見てみると、 もともと 1,000 以上も前の Old English の時代からその言い回しはあったけど、 現代では方言や口語表現や文学的な表現としてのみ残っているそうだ。
さらにはこれはもともと、I hear ●people● tell that (節). という言い回しの ときの people などの目的語が省略された形だったのだと解説している。 以上のような OED の解説と、Old English の時代の古い例文を引用しておく。 (ただし僕は、Old English がほとんど読めない。)
hear の項目で 3. a. As with other verbs of perception, the subst. or pronominal object may be followed by an inf. pres. pple. (orig. vbl. n. with a-), or pa. pple., expressing an action performed or suffered by it. (これは、"I heard the clock striking; I heard the clock strike" などの言い回しについての解説だ。)
b. Hence, by ellipsis of such objects as people, persons, some one, before the infinitives say, speak, talk, tell, the phrases to ●hear say, hear tell●, etc., of which some are still in ★dialectal or colloquial, and occasionally literary★, use. Formerly also with pa. pple., as to ●hear told● (obs.).
>>197 の続き (2) a1123 Anglo-Saxon Chron. anno 1114 Ða þe munecas of Burch hit ●herdon● sægen. (herdon は hierdon とも書かれ、heard に相当する複数主語に対応する 動詞だと思う。sægen は say という動詞の原形のはずなんだが、僕には 断言できない。ただ、"to say" を意味するドイツ語の sagen にそっくりだ。)
(3) 最も新しい例文 2004 E. Mulvihill in M. Hickey Irish Days 248 Woodford is steeped in history, as you have ●heard tell● of it.
c. Hence the gerundial phrase †●(by) hearing say●, (by) hearing it said (by) hearsay. Obs. or dial.
上記の c. についての最新の例文: 1898 N.E.D. at Hear, Mod. Sc. (この例文が、modern Scottish English であることに注意) They knew ●by hearing tell● of it. ======================== 以上は、OED Online より。(ただしまだ Second Edition のままだ。)
この表現は "in a very short time" という意味だそうだけど、これを僕は、 45年くらい前に NHK ラジオ英会話で習った。それ以降、この表現に小説や 映画の中で出会ったことはなかった。しかし今さっき、やっと目にした。 ただしこれは、1919 年に書かれた作品なので、少し古い。これは古めかしい 言い回しだと聞いている。ただ、Corpus of Contemporary American English では、最近20年ほどの小説などに出てきたものとして検索できる。ただこれも、 古めかしい言い回しとしてわざと使っているだけなのかもしれない。
A loaded barge — we were right aboard of her in the fog ★before you could say Jack Robinson★.
"Chris Christopherson," Act 2, Scene 2; Eugene O'Neill, Complete Plays (2), 1913-1920; The Library of America, p.845
balmy A young man, very pale and worn, was lying upon a sofa near the open window, through which came the rich scent of the garden and the balmy summer air. 心地よい Conan Doyle, The Naval Treaty
much, this much “Listen to me, Hasan Effendi,” Black called out to the darkness. “My father-in-law was murdered, this much is true. The most despicable of men killed him.” これだけは Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red
ここ数日英米圏の文芸誌をいろいろ見てみた The Atavist Magazineは押さえるとして イギリスが弱いのでThe London Magazineを とりあえず毎月買おうと思う あとはPloughsharesかな
>>203 balmy (balm) と聞くと、Edgar Allan Poe の "The Raven" の詩を思い出してしまう。
“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!— Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted— On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore— Is there—is there ★balm★ in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!” Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/48860
Bの項に入ったが、backの付く語を大幅に増補した: backcloth/backdrop back to school backbreaker backfire backlash backlog などは使いでのある言葉であるし、 all teachers know backpedaling on a classroom policy can be a Herculean task ; back-seat driver (sb who gives the driver unwanted advice) ; sit on your backside (do nothing : cf. sit on your bum; sit on your ass) ; you had better get your head out of your backside/ass (start noticing problems around you and stop ignoring them) ; he is always backslapping his colleagues at staff meetings (display excessive cordiality senaka wo ponpon tataku) ; not in my backyard などは表現として面白い。
唸ったのはbackstabbingの用例で検索して見つけたこのサイトである: Backstabbing Co Workers: 6 Ways to Protect Yourself http://careerrocketeer.com/2012/03/back-stabbing-co-worker-6-ways-to-protect-yourself.html この問題は古今東西共通であることよと感嘆し、拝借してこういう用例を俺様の辞書に載せた↓ if backstabbing co workers were merely ambitious and confident about what they were doing, they would feel no need to attack you : an interesting thing about this type of person is they may not be fully aware of their behavior – many people aren’t (usiro kara sasu)
Etymology: Middle English basme , bame , < Old French basme, later bâme (= Provençal basme , Italian balsamo ) < ★Latin balsamum : see balsam★ n. and adj., balsamum n.
結果W3では用例ゼロの堅い語も用例をカバーしている abhor Nature abhors sameness.(岡山大) abhorrent To some Japanese, the whole idea of making frozen sushi in a factory is abhorrent.(早稲田)
こういうのは小説らしくて好きな用例だ herd I herded the children back into their room. “Change out of your bedclothes, you’ll catch cold,” I said and sat on the edge of the bed. 群れにして移動させる Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red
The Garden Partyをサクッと終わらせる よい短編だが...しかし世紀の短編ではないと思うが非常に高名 awfully "Let's go into the garden, out by the back way," suggested Laura. "I want to see how the men are getting on with the marquee. They're such awfully nice men." ものすごく Katherine Mansfield, The Garden Party ▪ 英女性の好む表現
一般的な学習文法だとカバーしない構文を拾う 文 is all 型 “Where’d you get that shit?” “I’m just talkin’ hypothetically is all. Like resetting all the pieces on a chess board. You take your turn, then everything goes back to how it started.” Hiroshi Sakurazaka, All You Need Is Kill, trans. Alexander O. Smith ▪ 講義 2.3.F
津波は引くときが怖いんだが、その「引き波」 the tsunami ●backwash● can be just as strong as, or in some cases stronger than, the run-up tsunami ところがbackwashは「水に流す」意でも使うっぽい put it in the ●backwash● and get ready for tomorrow
backwater(ダムの背水→澱んだ水)とoxbow lake(三日月湖)の区別がようやくできた the bayous and ●backwaters● are breeding grounds for mosquitos ; the country is an economic ●backwater●
backwaterもそうだが、このbackwoodsも米国南部を暗示するっぽい the 1972 film “Deliverance”, based on James Dickey’s novel and featuring rape and murder in ●backwoods● Georgia, offers a devastating vision of rustic Southern life
badgerは「アナグマ」で済ませていたが they’re cute and oblong, with the face of a tiny ●badger●, and they’re among the most endangered species in the world いやいやこういう用例が多い his most impressive feat of concentration, though, might have been that interview, when, despite the fan’s ●badgering●, he maintained composure (repeatedly and annoyingly ask sb to do sth ; to bother, persistently, on and on, without stop, relentlessly, over and over, endlessly)
そして極めつけがこれ the woman yielded: lacking the gift of humor she could not hold out against his kindly ●badinage● (Fr. ‘to joke’ frivolous banter, witty conversation) (女は落ちた:ユーモアの才を欠き、男の優しい軽口に持ちこたえられなくなったのだ) このような賢女によもや間違いはあるまい、と気楽に軽口のジャブをかましていたら はらりと落ちてしまったことがある。以来、俺様は世の中の平和のために慎んでいる。
今日集めたものの一部 collect I stood for a minute or two to collect myself, for I was dazed with the horror of the thing. 落ち着いて自制心を取り戻す Conan Doyle, The Final Problem forever His shoulders are rounded from much study, and his face protrudes forward, and is forever slowly oscillating from side to side in a curiously reptilian fashion. ひっきりなしに Conan Doyle, The Final Problem ▪ 進行形と共に immediate Our old chambers had been left unchanged through the supervision of Mycroft Holmes and the immediate care of Mrs. Hudson. 直接の, じかに Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Empty House slighting I have heard slighting remarks made by Europeans upon our elaborate discipline of politeness. 取るに足らないものと侮蔑する Nitobe Inazō, Bushido: The Soul of Japan
そういえばこの書き出しはandからはじまるものとしては一番有名かもしれない ideal And after all the weather was ideal. They could not have had a more perfect day for a garden-party if they had ordered it. Windless, warm, the sky without a cloud. Only the blue was veiled with a haze of light gold, as it is sometimes in early summer. 申し分のない Katherine Mansfield, The Garden Party
8月からさらに20作品ほどコーパスを大きくする予定 Murakami 4作品, The Road, Gone Girl,The Devil Wears Pradaなどなど 来年の3月まで 今手元にあるもの以外にソースとして 増やす必要はほとんどなくなった そういやThe Bridges of Madison Countyが ないから買うか
CODにはbalsam firとBalm of Gileadも見出し語に挙がっている。いずれも重要:
Balm of Gilead (gireado no nyu-ko-, ko-yu) was a rare perfume used medicinally, that was mentioned in the in the King James Bible of 1611, named for the region of Gilead where it was produced, and has come to signify a universal cure in figurative speech ; there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul (Negro spirituals kokujin re-ka)
こういう人情話は理解を助ける↓ 黒人霊歌「ギレアドに病める魂を癒す乳香がある」 (アドレスが貼れないので上記で検索してくれ) >>205では"balm in Gilead"にも注目すべき。
balsam firはいわゆるクリスマスツリーの「樅の木」 the scents vary - her Christmas Spirit candle includes notes of Italian blood orange oil, balsam fir and cinnamon (any of various fragrant oleoresins used in medicines and perfumes) ; many ppl prefer the balsam fir because of fragrance and needle retention ; (a NA fir tree which yields Canada balsam, much used for pulpwood and Christmas trees)
thrice I carefully read the last three words of this beautiful note thrice as if staring at three wondrous red roses in a garden. 3回, 3度 Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red
well-to-do “He is a rich man.” “No carriages or horses?” “Well, at least he is fairly well-to-do. But he goes into the City two or three times a week. He is deeply interested in South African gold shares.” 裕福な Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist
The London Magazineは隔月だった 読んだ感じさほどの雑誌ではないような気もするけど ほかの英雑誌を知らないのでまあいいや
dauntingly ‘Max [Peter Maxwell Davies]’, as he was generally known, is often a dauntingly difficult composer, and I have struggled to keep up with his output, which includes ten symphonies and ten string quartets. たじろぐほど John Greening, A Fantasia on the Nature of Genius, The London Magazine, June/July 2016
perish There the Heike perished utterly, with their women and children, and their infant emperor likewise―now remembered as Antoku Tenno. 非業の最期を遂げる
age Most of the peasant-women age early; but O-Yuki, even after having become the mother of ten children, looked as young and fresh as on the day when she had first come to the village. 年をとる
Would that I could hope for the luck of that Chinese scholar known to Japanese literature as "Rosan"! would that 文
amiss 日頃vocabulary.comさんにはお世話になっているが、解説が軽妙でよろしい: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/amiss >And remember, amiss is as good as a mile 何かジョークを言ってるんだがピンとこないで考えてしまった: amiss is as good as a mile > a miss is as good as a mile(> (an inch in ) a miss is as good as a mile) だな。
vocabulary.comさんは、イントロに高校生向けのざっくばらんな解説を大きな文字で置いて、 次に小さめの文字で少し詳しく解説し、それからふつうの辞書的な定義が続く。 上のジョークは大きな文字のところだ。 "a miss is as good as a mile"は高校生なら誰でも知ってる、というのが前提になってる。 "the rape of Nanking"なんてのを一つこっそり忍ばせたらすべてが終わり、という意味だ。 こういう「ことわざ」「常用句」は深層心理に効いているから、紙の英和辞書にあろうが なかろうが、英語学習者はすべからく熟知すべし。
なきゃ創る、という発想で、"woodslight"はどうかとググれば商品名が dominantっぽくってNG。それでは"arborlight"はどうかと思えば、 たった一例だが前例があるぞ: http://kaudick.com/concept/ Concept art for The ●Aborlight● 絵がないとコンセプトが不確定かもしれんが、無理ではなさそうっぽい。 作者のKat AudickさんはLos Angeles生まれ、オレゴン州Portland在住の デザイナー、とある。 Kat Audickがこの絵とともに有名になればいずれ"arborlight"も辞書に 載るだろう。それに先立ち、まず俺様の辞書に載せておこう。
steal (…) Come, Watson, we must really take a risk and try to investigate this a little more closely.” Together we stole down to the road and crept across to the door of the inn. こっそり移動する Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Priory School
circumlocution (…) You asked for frankness, Mr. Holmes, and I have taken you at your word, for I have now told you everything without an attempt at circumlocution or concealment. Do you in turn be as frank with me.” 回りくどい返答 Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Priory School
wont In Akinosuke's garden there was a great and ancient cedar-tree, under which he was wont to rest on sultry days. するのを常とする (accustomed) Lafcadio Hearn, The Dream of Akinosuke, Kwaidan
impatience Several times I had observed that Milverton looked at his watch, and once he had risen and sat down again, with a gesture of impatience. 焦り, 苛立ち Conan Doyle, The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton
whence Sherlock Holmes and I walked together to the High Street, where he stopped at the shop of Harding Brothers, whence the bust had been purchased. そこから Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Six Napoleons ▪ 関係副詞の非制限用法
approvingly Holmes clapped his hands approvingly. “Excellent, Lestrade, excellent!” he cried. 満足げに賛同して Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Six Napoleons
line There’s a line one hears frequently from entomologists and other mosquito experts, especially amid the Zika alarms: “We have no silver bullet.” セリフ, 一節 Cynthia Gorney, Science vs. Mosquitoes, National Geographic, August 2016
bastardizeは https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/bastardized "deriving from more than one source or style"という定義ではなく CODの"debase by adding new elements"のほうがしっくりくる。 例えばUsageExampleのトップに来るこれとか↓ The Stones started as a cover band, playing ●bastardized● versions of the songs they loved. Wall Street Journal May 6, 2016
ホームズ全然終わらんな 用例が結構いいだけに飛ばすのもなんだし 後がつかえまくっているけど コーパスでODEつくったので有名な人が書いた Lexical Analysis: Norms and Exploitations を今年中に読みたいけど時間がない
narrowly (…) and I examined the room narrowly for anything in the shape of a hiding-place. The carpet seemed continuous and firmly nailed, so I dismissed the idea of a trap-door. 入念に Conan Doyle, Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez
nestle Holmes nestled in silence into his heavy coat, and I was glad to do the same, for the air was most bitter and neither of us had broken our fast. 巣の中の鳥のようにぬくぬくと身をうずめる Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Abbey Grange
gather that . . . from (…) and I received two notes from Holmes, dated from Narbonne and from Nimes, from which I gathered that his stay in France was likely to be a long one. から推測する Conan Doyle, The Final Problem
(what) He made me what I am. He is not what he was [used to be]. 彼は昔の彼ではない(→悪く変化したときに多く用いる) Come what me, we won't sell tha car. dんなことがあろうと私たちはその車を売らない (No matter what happens のほうが普通)
この2、3本目をSA4で削除なさった。 太字 Come what may を come の項目に移動するのは良しとしよう。 わざわざ、2例目まで消すことはないよ。 今の彼/昔の彼 両方重要だからだ。 基本語の用例を減らす、これは改悪。 新版SAはこの手のが少し度が過ぎてて4版で厚くする際に解説と不整合出てる単語がある件は既報。
already we have, incredibly, a presidential candidate essentially proposing that we turn NATO into a protection racket, in which countries get defended only if they pay up.
save “No one is ever permitted to enter that room save the housemaid in the morning, and my valet, or my wife’s maid, during the rest of the day. を除いて Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Second Stain ▪ 前置詞のsave
douse A mother who killed herself and her two children. She doused her car with petrol and lit it. 浴びせる Haruki Murakami, After Dark
dire Above him the sleeping dragon lay, a dire menace even in his sleep. 恐ろしい J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
cleavage (…) ; he blatantly stares at the hardbody waitress, at exposed cleavage as she leans down to get a firmer grip on the bottle’s cork. 胸の谷間 Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho
実際、非常に一般的に使えるはずの表現なのであって、例えば沖縄の離島に アメリカ人娘とお忍びで出かけてリゾートホテルに宿泊したところ、 隣室から別のカポウが楽しそうに話しているのが聞こるな、と思ったら 突如「あはん」「いやはん」「だめへん」などという助けを求める(?)女性の 奇怪な声が聞こえてきた。このようなときに取るべき政策はまさに "benign neglect"なのであって、俺様の辞書の例文的には suddenly a woman's moaning was heard ; I proposed to adopt a benign neglect policy
>>318 いたいけな高校1年生の女子が重い思いをして持ち運んでいる辞書に、 禿げて脂ギトギト、エラ張りの汚いヲヤヂがニタニタしながらこっそり "the Rape of Nanking"などと挿入し、公表してお詫びするどころか いまだに堂々と(ごく一部ではあろうが)書店に並べているとは 信じがたい卑劣な行為であるが、それが学習研究商社shipか。
(something like) (AC) I don't want to do ★something like this★. このようなことはしたくない The plot ★goes something like that★. 筋書きはこんなふうに展開する She want't to get a job as a reporter ★or something like that★. 彼女はレポーターか、あるいはそれに類した職に就きたがっている It treats 〜 それは西洋ナシ
4本の例文。★部は(太字) SA3から大幅に改訂されてる。
------------------------------------------------------ (SA5) どうえ4版からだろ? 2本 Sue's new hat is something like mine, but without the feathers. When Greg plays the guitar, he sounds something like Jimi Hendrix. グレッグがギターを弾くと、ジミ・ヘンドリックスのような音を出すんだ. ------------------------------------------------------
apparently infinite time (ODE3)を参考にしてみた perennial Yet there will always remain the perennial escape mechanism of saying that a literary scholar and a philosopher, for example, are trained in literature and philosophy respectively, not in politics or ideological analysis. 永遠に繰り返されるかのごとき Edward Said, Orientalism
cloud “About this time a little mystery suddenly clouded the normal routine of the professor’s life. (…) 暗い影を投げかける Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Creeping Man
defect One of Sherlock Holmes’s defects―if, indeed, one may call it a defect―was that he was exceedingly loath to communicate his full plans to any other person until the instant of their fulfilment. 欠点 Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles
これは文脈がわかりやすい例 barely "Let's just drive. Maybe we ought to go back, though?" "No, never-never! Let's go on. I can barely see the road. We'll make it." なんとか Jack Kerouac, On the Road
これは第3の語義 barely Looking back now, I can see we were pretty confused about this whole area around sex. That's hardly surprising, I suppose, given we were barely sixteen. たったの, わずか (only) Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go
今日採取したもの acronym "But you are a naval officer.” Ryan shook his head. "No, captain. I work for the CIA." “CIA?” Ramius hissed the acronym as if it were poisonous. 頭文字語 Tom Clancy, The Hunt for Red October
devout “I really think he was devout. He just made one crucial mistake: he believed that the end justifies the means in the service of God. That permitted him to do anything.” 信心深い Ken Follett, The Pillars of the Earth
A word that Can be spelled so that it Reads from top to bottom Or across, as a poem Sometimes is very clever. That's an acrostic poem. It can also refer to a puzzle. Cool. Isn't it? https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/acrostic
The Shipping Newsは 前編にわたって主語省略が 基本となっている小説のなかで かなり有名な部類なのだと思う
gurgle These waters, thought Quoyle, haunted by lost ships, fishermen, explorers gurgled down into sea holes as black as a dog’s throat. ゴボゴボと流れる Annie Proulx, The Shipping News
capsize In fifteen terrifying seconds he learned to swim well enough to reach the capsized boat and grasp the stilled propeller shaft. 転覆した Annie Proulx, The Shipping News
single The single advantage of the green house was clear at once. 唯一の Annie Proulx, The Shipping News
注意すべきは、 【その1】 日本語では 「電車とホームに一部広く開いております。乗り降りの際はお気をつけ下さい」 などと長々とアナウンスするところを、ロンドンのtubeでは "mind the gap" という命令形の3語でピシリと済ませる。 ホームの足元にも同じ3語が書いてある。 この表現はMoscowの地下鉄でもロシア語に直訳された形で聞いたが、 ロンドンからの直輸入物ジャマイカと憶測した。 日本語表現が長ったらしくなるのは、"mind"は「注意せよ」「心せよ」でOKだが、 "the Gap"を言うのが難しいんだな。
ともかく、"mind"という言葉を知るには、この"mind the Gap"が 実用上からも表現のユニークさからも、まんず第1級の実例である。 英和辞書などにも当然この"mind the Gap"について詳述すべきところ、 当時(1990年頃)そのような辞書は一つも見当たらなかった。 こんな体たらくでは俺様/アテクシの辞書が必要ではないか?と嘆息したことである。 イマドキの英和辞書には当然詳述されているんだろうな。 まさか"mind the gap"という超有名な文言に一言も触れていない、 なんてことはないとは思うが、もしそうなら編集者が生きた英語に 親しんでいない証拠をまた一つ新たに積み上げることになるので、
Mind the gap.で騒いでるけど、このmind はイギリス英語だろ? 別にその表現自体 が世界英語であるわけではない。したがっ て、イギリス英語の意味がきちんと載って いてMind the 〜.の用例があれば、〜の部 分は別にgapである必要はない。そういうこ ともわからんバカが多すぎるよ、このスレはw
princely On the other hand, his payments were princely. I have no doubt that the house might have been purchased at the price which Holmes paid for his rooms during the years that I was with him. 気前のいい相当な額の Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Dying Detective ▪「王子にふさわしい」という揶揄
somber It is impossible to understand Malthus’s exaggeratedly somber predictions without recognizing the way fear gripped much of the European elite in the 1790s. 悲観的な Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, trans. Arthur Goldhammer
dash “It’s devilish, Mr. Holmes, devilish!” cried Mortimer Tregennis. “It is not of this world. Something has come into that room which has dashed the light of reason from their minds. What human contrivance [device and scheme] could do that?” 打ち砕く Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot
corroborate The whole story told by Barker is a lie. But Barker’s story is corroborated by Mrs. Douglas. Therefore she is lying also. They are both lying, and in a conspiracy. 裏付けられる Conan Doyle, The Valley Of Fear
用例探しだけでは荒むので david sedarisを読み始めた やはり現代英語でなにを読むんだよといったとき ユーモア系随筆が普段読みにも語学的にも一番楽しい(個人的見解)
感覚の持ち主がLondonに滞在すれば誰しも"mind the gap"のimpactに 圧倒されるであろうに、あるいはちょっと検索すればこれを讃えた 記事が多いのに気づいて察しがつくであろうに。
wikiによれば https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_the_gap "mind the gap"の初出は1968年とあるから、なるほど'70年代の 学習英和辞典のごときにこれが載るには無理がある。 だが'80年代半ばから為替レートが有利になったこともあり、 20万円と一週間があれば誰でも欧州旅行が楽しめる時代になった。 現代の英和の編集者あるいは下請けの高校教員が、語感に優れていれば、 この"mind the gap"は落とすわけにはいかん。 (shipは詮方なし)
"mind the gap"がイギリス英語と主張する滓まで登場していやはや閉口だ。 先のwikiによればNYの地下鉄の一部には対抗心からか"watch the gap"を 採用しているとあるが、これは"watch out the gap"と"out"を補って 解釈する必要があるから少々無理がある。"mind the gap"には勝てない。
>>376はmind your own businessのshipでカキコは慎んむのがよいだろう。 くれぐれも教職になんかつくなよ。語感に優れた若い諸君の迷惑だ。
bloat gastric dilation and volvulus syndrome (GDV), commonly referred to as gastric torsion or ●bloat●, is a disease in dogs in which the animal’s stomach dilates and then rotates or twists, around its short axis (swell, gas accumulation in the stomach kocho)
>>379 >>NYの地下鉄の一部には対抗心からか"watch the gap"を 採用しているとあるが、これは"watch out the gap"と"out"を補って 解釈する必要があるから少々無理がある。 ===============
語感が優れていると豪語する割には、watch out the gap などというデタラメ 英語を書いて平気でいられるんだな。watch out for the gap とすれば 少しはましだが、それでもやはりダメだ。watch the gap が正しいし、 そういう意味での watch は大昔から英米に限らず存在した。
Watch your step. You have to watch your weight. Watch your manners.
watch と mind は、おそらくほぼ同じ意味で使う時が多いだろう。 ところであんたは、例の "Veterinarian in Japan" の殿様か?
Veterinarian in Japan について一言すれば、 俺様はなぜか獣医さんと縁があって一緒に論文書く仕事もしたんだが、 日本の獣医師免許が外国では通用しないから、職業身分をいう際には "in Japan"でもつけるわ、という話になるんだよ。 そういう意味でカキコしたつもりだが、全く理解不能なんだなあ。
(dynamics) the way in which things or people behave, react, and affect each other(Longman) the way in which people or things behave and react to each other in a particular situation(Oxford) the set of forces that exist in a situation, especially a relationship, and that affect how it changes or develops(MED)
(Voc.com) we refer to "group dynamics" as the way people interact and work together. George W. Bush once observed, "Globalization has altered the dynamics in the White House , as well as between the White House and the Treasury."
AC) 2:(一般に)(ある状況を引き起こす)原動力、要因;力学 ・change the dynamics of a race 選挙戦を左右する力関係を変える ・the dynamics of the market 市場を動かす力関係 ・The political dynamics are changing. 政治力学(政治を左右する力関係)が変化している ↑ 政治力学の説明の括弧も説明不適切でズレてる。力関係(power relationship) じゃない。
possession Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride. One was Jim's gold watch that had been his father's and his grandfather's. The other was Della's hair. 所有物 O. Henry, The Gift of the Magi
palmy The temple grounds are a most extraordinary sight. No English fair in the palmiest days of fairs ever presented such an array of attractions. 栄えにぎわう Isabella L. Bird, Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
fishy There was just one problem with the place: its political smell. It was run by some kind of fishy foundation that centered on this extreme right-wing guy, and (…) 胡散臭い Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood, trans. Jay Rubin
retribution My selfishness brought about the ruin of our house, and caused the death of many persons. Retribution followed me; and I long remained a fugitive in the land. 当然の報い Lafcadio Hearn, Rokuro-kubi, Kwaidan
lenient No, I had to get a ride that morning with a maniac who believed in controlled starvation for the sake of health. After a hundred miles he grew lenient and took out bread-and-butter sandwiches from the back of the car. 寛大, 寛容 Jack Kerouac, On the Road
thank 神 that節という語法 thank “That’s how I feel myself about it now. I thank God that my plans did not work out as I intended. (...) 感謝する Conan Doyle, The Problem of Thor Bridge
bough https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/bough Why do poets use bough when branch and limb mean the same thing? Well, maybe because more words rhyme with bough than with those others. Also, “holly boughs” and “blossomy boughs” sound much more musical than “branches.”
Used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action: ‘Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp’
Better still, from the Democrats’ point of view, the swing in the polls appears to be doing what some of us thought it might: sending Donald Trump into( a derp spiral), in which his ugly nonsense gets even uglier and more nonsensical as his electoral prospects sink.
個人的には to不定詞の副詞用法(原因) glad to 〜(〜してうれしい) などの類の that節 版
Thank God [goodness, heaven(s), Heaven!] 《間投詞的》 《略式》(…とは)ありがたい、しめた;ありがたいことに Thank God, the bus is finally here. ありがたい、やっとバスが来た (→ God のあとの comma はなくてもよいし、that節を用いても良い)。
Thank God [goodness, heaven(s), Heaven!] ((´∀`))マーク
《間投詞的》 (1)《ほっとすることが判明して》(…とは)ありがたい、よかった、しめた Thank God you're here. よかった、君が家にいて (→このように文中に組み込まれることも多い) (2)《相手の言葉に安心して》ありがたい、よかった
【1】BUFF (1) you are buff (your muscles are toned like a buffalo 筋骨隆々) (2) buff leather (leather made of buffalo hide) (3) buff-colored stationary (a creamy yellow color of buff leather) (4) to buff something (to polish with buff leather) (5) swimming in the buff ; you’re in the buff (naked) (6) a computer/history/movie buff (a person who is interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject 通)
出処が"buffalo"であると知ればすべて理解可能だが、 "buffalo"由来であることを知らないと理解不能。 (6)はちょっと難しいが、CODの解説で了承: orig. applied to fire-watchers, because of the buff uniforms worn by New York firemen (1)〜(5)は俺様的には口にしなくてもよさそうな表現だが、 (6)はgeekだのnerdだのよかよっぽど上品な表現っぽい。
【2】BUFFER (1) items like the rain garden created a buffer zone to the school (2) central banks agreed that the large commercial banks needed to double or even triple their capital buffers (3) we know that relationships buffer us against hard times (4) bicarbonate buffer system (5) an input/output buffer (6) nail buffer
touch, a touch of The main course was a light grilled fish with a touch of green sauce with mushrooms. 少量の Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel
oblige Miu wanted to know more about Sumire's background, and she obliged, answering the questions as honestly as she could. 要望に応える Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel
defer Miu hesitated to talk about herself. 'That's not important,” she deferred with a bright smile. "I'd rather hear more about you." 後回しにする Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel
▼that節が1つのときはthatを省略できるが, 2つ以上連続するときの2番目以下では省略不可: It is generally agreed (that) people must meet frequently, and that it is agreeable to talk, and further that it is a matter of common courtesy to say something even when there is hardly anything to say.
It is generally agreed (that) people must learn living language, and that words in commercially available dictionaries are all dead, and thus that every learner who wishes to be familiar with practical English should prepare his or her own dictionary.
pityingly The young man looked at her in surprise. “It’s all right, you little gray mouse,” he said, laughing rather pityingly. “I only want to buy you a drink. Don’t look so scared.” 気の毒に思い Diana Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle
run Her repertoire ran mainly from the late Romantics, Schumann and Mendelssohn, to Poulenc, Ravel, Bartók, and Prokofiev. 及ぶ Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel
good-for-nothing "If I were some good-for-nothing lesbian, would you still be my friend?" ろくでもない Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel total “Who on earth are you?” said Howl. “Where have I seen you before?” “I am a total stranger,” Sophie lied firmly. 全くの Diana Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle emancipation The emancipation of the individual was indeed the great spiritual revolution which had led to the breakdown of tribalism and to the rise of democracy. 解放 Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies
Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel は 原文をどうしてもチェックした箇所がたくさんできてしまった そうでないものを少し
adjust As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she could distinguish an outline of something gradually forming in a corner of the room. 慣れる
bathe Bathed in moonlight, Sumire's body glistened like some ancient ceramic. 浴びる
aftertaste The gloomy emotions that had swept through me in the lounge at Narita airport had disappeared. Though there was still a bitter aftertaste. いやな後味
今日HarpersでTom Wolfeの新刊The Kingdom of Speechを知った かなり読みたいなあ
frigid Miu married at 29. Ever since the incident in Switzerland, she was totally frigid, and couldn't manage sex with anyone. 不感症, 感じない Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel
たとえばこの用例が日本語原文をあたりたくなるような部分 日本語ではcraggyとcrabbyはオノマトペっぽいが... craggy Mountain goats and sheep made their way over the craggy rock face, crabby looks on their faces. ゴツゴツした Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel
proffer "My name's Nakamura, I'm the chief of security here," he introduced himself. He didn't proffer a business card of his own. 差し出す Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart, trans. Philip Gabriel
●こういう説明を見るにつけ "Oh, no, are you kidding me? He's not my boyfriend, we're just in a casual relationship" https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/casual 言葉は違っても喜怒哀楽は古今東西みな同じであることを再認識する。 だから翻訳文学が成り立つんだな。 英語業界の商売人は違いばかり強調したがるが、 外国人と付き合ってみれば全く同じだとすぐわかる。
Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Pradaに入る 序盤ということもあり表現が冴え渡っている
holler “Fuckin’ move, lady!” hollered a swarthy [tanned] driver whose chest hair threatened to overtake the wife-beater he wore. 大声でわめく Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada wife-beater「下着のランニングシャツ」 胸毛がシャツを「追い越しそう」という揶揄.
only “Hey, what's up? Are you on the street? It sounds so loud.” “Yeah, you could hear that. I had to pick up Miranda's Porsche from the dealership. OnIy, I can't really drive stick.” ただし Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada できない理由を付け加える接続詞的働きのonly. stickはマニュアル車ということ.
punctuate Their lips never stopped moving, and their gossip was punctuated only by the sound of their stilettos clacking on the floor. 繰り返し差し挟まれる Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada stilettos ハイヒールのかかと
話はかわって、つか元に戻して、こういうのを見るにつけ↓ If you ask someone to marry you and she says maybe, you might be able to persuade her. If it's no, you might still have a chance. But if she gives you a categorical no, she will never change her mind. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/categorical
ヒトの喜怒哀楽は古今東西皆同じ、 英語の教員が強調すべきはこのヒトの感情の等質性であり、 ことさらキ教の旗を振り回すなど愚の骨頂、 「獣医の正式名称は何か」を農水省に問い合わせ、 止せばいいのにキラキラのブログで大いばりするなどして劣悪な教養をさらけ出し、 the Rape of Nankingをコッソーリ隠したつもりで絶版予定のゴミカスはシランプーリして自然消滅を待つ、 何やらcatchyな宣伝文句でいたいけな若者を騙して売りつける学研、 都合が悪くなると何やら2,3のIDでシュプレヒコールをカキコするだけの学研、 あまっさえいたいけな若者に何やら洗脳を仕掛ける学研、 のことはともかくとして、
categoricalの用例には確かに"a categorical denial"のような、 つまり"absolute, unqualified, unconditional; not modified or restricted by reservations" の意味での用例がoverwhelmingなわけだが、いっぽう俺様の経験では 「分類」の意味のcategoricalしかありえず、"categorical"で画像検索してみても それしか出てこない、この乖離はなんだ?
俺様の辞書(第2版暫定版)にはwikiの表現を借りてこう書いておいた: the Categories is a text from Aristotle’s Organon that enumerates all the possible kinds of things that can be the subject or the predicate of a proposition, from which the two meanings of “absolute, principle” and “classification” arise
本日はまあまあか squeal The shower was horrific. It made a high-pitched squealing noise like one of those dog-training whistles, (…) キーキーと不快な金切り声をあげる Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
感嘆疑問文 were there Her mother had died in childbirth with Miriam, and it was her mother who moved in and helped raise the children. And were there children! Eleven in all. Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada 現代英文法講義39.4.4.
technically I'd also been forewarned that even though she was technically "on vacation,” she'd still be fully reachable and working at all times, and therefore, so should every single other person on staff. 建前上は Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
新グローバル から派生してるので用例の質は良い(少し難しいくらい)。 ship様との違いは、小柴ニューアンカー基盤か、新グローバル基盤かの差。 そもそも高校生に必要な語義は欲張ることなく、 Longman Active study なんかみたいに5万語でいいのにさ。 どの英英辞典にも対象層に応じて3冊くらいはラインナップがある。Shipはそれを放棄なさった。
While Romano and his colleagues continue to study the skeleton and its surroundings for clues, they'll also continue to excavate the rest of the altar. (これは「周辺」でおkだろう) Washington Post Aug 12, 2016
They create more heat than light and invite extreme viewpoints that intentionally obfuscate the nuanced context that surrounds these issues. (「周囲にあるものたち」→「関連事項」と解釈できる) Washington Post Aug 11, 2016
"closely related or connected to"はちょっと言い過ぎジャマイカ。 こういう場合は It is well known that water molecules surrounding a protein play important roles in maintaining its structural stability. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12557193 タンパク質分子を取り囲む水分子はそのタンパク質分子とほとんど 一心同体で存在しているので「非常に親しい間柄」ではあるが、 文意としては「取り囲む」だ。
schmooze Nearly everyone stopped by Miranda's office to schmooze with Emily, overhear my gossip concerning her boss, and check out the new girl. くだらないおしゃべりをする Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
gush "Crazy, isn't it? She is the coolest woman ever," she gushed, snatching the sheets off her desk and gazing at them with what can only be described as lust [sexual desire]. 大げさにまくし立てる Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
5月頃かな こんな用例も採りました gush Blood gushed from his nose. Sand clung to the blood; his face was a lump of earth. 噴き出す Kobo Abe, The Woman in the Dunes, trans. E. Dale Saunders
obscenely "Yeah, I'm sure you'd just love to work part-time to finance your obscenely expensive and utterly useless Ph.D. (…) ぞっとするほど法外な Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County は易しくて短い 探していた用例をいくつか見つけることができた
sure “It’s pretty hot. Would you like an ice tea?” He looked over at her. “If it’s all right, I sure would.” もちろん Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County
outline Her nipples were clearly outlined where they pressed against the cotton T-shirt. 輪郭が浮かび上がる Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County
make Gypsies make difficult friends for ordinary people, and he was something of a gypsy. となる Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County
上と関係ないがPledge of Allegiance (忠誠の誓い)を用例にすることにした 少し難しい文言かつ文化的な基盤ともいえるのでまあ良いかと I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County終了 易しかったので読み切った 最後のあたりの蛇足が気になるが それでも短くて余計なプロットが ほとんどないのでよかった 長すぎて失敗している作品は多い キリスト教がちらつかないのも特徴か
work Then he added, “If you want to come along while I’m shooting, that’s fine. It won’t bother me. I could stop by for you about five-thirty.” Francesca’s mind worked the problem. She wanted to go with him. But what if someone saw her? 解答を考える Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County collect “Don’t hesitate if you want to see me, or just to talk. Call me collect anywhere in the world; the charges won’t appear on your bill that way. 料金先方払いで Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County fussy Richard used the other bath, said he felt uncomfortable with all the feminine things in hers. “Too fussy,” were his words. こまごまとやかましい Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County
except 動詞 She would have done anything for him except destroy her family and maybe him as well. Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County これも探していた文法用例 So I picked up a teaching certificate and taught high school English for a few years. But Richard didn’t like the idea of me working.
これについては、偉い学者たちがきちんとした説明をしているのだろうけど、 僕自身は自分なりの勝手な考えを持っている。労働者階級をはじめとする民衆や 方言においては、my を me と発音することが多い。一生懸命に彼らは the idea of ●my● working と言っていたつもりなのに、それを別の人たちが 発音のまま表記すると me になってしまう。そこで時代と共に my の代わりに me も認められるようになってきたのではないかと僕は思っている。 あるいは言い換えると、ずっと昔から my と me とは発音上で混同されていたため、 my の代わりに me が使われることが昔からよくあったのかもしれない。
これは情景が浮かぶ典型場面なので用例として良い twist “Yeah, he’s amazing,” Emily was sighing, twisting the phone cord round and round her forefinger. からませる Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
初歩的な会話表現だがこれも短いながら流れがあるので談話的に優れている guess “Ohmigod, you must wort for Miranda! Wait, let me guess. You’re Miranda’s new assistant? Andrea, right?” 当ててみせようか Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
これは見出し語と反意的な内容を含んで内容が豊かに膨らんでいるので良い accommodating No matter how accommodating the poor concierge was, Miranda found fault with his every move. 好意的な Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
これは話題になった比喩的choreograph ベストとは言えないが 思い入れのある語でかつ限定の分詞 なので拾っておいた方が良いかなという判断 縁語の入り具合は良いがこれだけだと文脈がよくわからんよね choreograph I should’ve taken preemptive action and confirmed with everyone involved yesterday that all the steps of our highly choreographed plan had worked. 一連の進行を綿密に取り決める Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
聖書由来の表現 こういう現代的な文脈で出てくるのも 用例としては読み応えがある anoint “l’m a writer.” “Oh, you are? That must be nice.” I hoped I didn't sound quite as condescending as I felt, but it got to to be really annoying when anyone and everyone in New York anointed himself or herself a writer or actor or poet or artist. 聖なる存在として任ずる, 聖別する Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
否定文以外で見たのははじめて remotely I was racking my brain for a lie, but Alex stepped in before I could think of anything remotely plausible. 僅かでも (slightly) Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada 通常否定文で使われる. racking my brain 知恵をふり絞る
今月号のNational Geographicから lumber A storm had lumbered in the previous evening and coated the canyon in nine inches of snow. のっそのっそと進む Kevin Fedarko, Losing the Grand Canyon, National Geographic, September 2016
National Geographicはサイトでも雑誌記事を一部読めるが サーチエンジン対策だろうか記事タイトルを変更している この傾向はどのくらい広がっているかわからないが 雑誌の記事をネットから拾う場合の注意点でもある こういうこともあってNational Geographicは課金購読している
warrior (in compounds) (often disapproving) a person who leads or takes part in a campaign for a political or social cause, especially in an aggressive way that other people disapprove of (OALD online)
require Warmer temperatures speed fish metabolisms, requiring them to eat more, just as their food declines. 課す, 要求する Craig Welch, Heat Wave, National Geographic, September 2016 「課す」は自分で思いついた訳語 もうこの辞書にあるぜ情報募集
板で紹介されていた文から採った comprehend In the second century of the Christian Aera, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind. 包含する (include) Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
deign Miranda deigned to accept this slightly warmer late and even gave us a few moments of peace between ten and eleven, when (…) もったいなくもしてくださる Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada ▪ 横暴な上司に対してのおどけた表現
俺様のEveryman's Library版(1928)には "In the second century of the Christian ●era●, the ●E●mpire of Rome comprehended ..." とあるぞ。 本文の一番最初の一文であるから、最初の50ページぐらいしか読んでない俺様にも この部分はわかる。
今日は平均的な10用例だった identify with I'd learned about the Stockholm Syndrome in psych, in which the victims identify with their captors, but I hadn't really understood how it all played out [happened]. 共感する, 一体感を感じる Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
acquiescence I was so stunned I couldn't speak, but Lily took my silence for acquiescence. 黙認 Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
そのRichard Feynman先生が博学でおしゃべりであって、 本来はCalTechの学部1、2年生向けであった「ファインマン物理学」 (the Feynman Lectures on Physics)は含蓄深く、しまいには 聴講者はスタッフだけで学生は消えてしまったとのことであるが、 講義録もfreshmanやsophomoreではまんず消化が難しい内容を多く含む。 その自序でFeynman先生は>>597のEdward Gibbonを引用して 自嘲しておられる:
"But the power of instruction is seldom of much efficacy, except in those happy dispositions where it is almost superfluous." (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chap. IV)
jab “You can’t show up in a cab,” Lily said to me as I jabbed helplessly at my eyes with my brand-new Maybelline Great t Lash mascara. 激しく突く, ジャブを繰り出す Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada マスカラを急いで塗る様子
これはもっとよい用例があるはずだがまあ及第点かなー period “I’m going to list all the reasons that you should come with me, Andy, and the first one is the simplest: I know what's good for you. Period.” God, he was arrogant. 以上 Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada 間投詞のperiod
基本語については典型的語法ではないものを拾っている こういう用例もわりと読んでいて楽しいと思う show “Could you show me to my room please?” I asked as kindly as I could, but (…) 案内する Lauren Weisberger, The Devil Wears Prada
chrestomathyと呼べるかどうかはわからんが Reading the World: Ideas That Matter 一般にはこういうタイプの本が使われている
(truth) 掲載熟語 5版 in truth / the moment of truth / to tell the truth 6版 in thruth If (the) truth be known/told nothing could be further from the truth truth is stronger than fiction (the) truth will out
MAEポケット辞書で (come in) 引いた 4.to have a particular role orfunction. ●That's where you come in● ●come in handy● の熟語は太字だ。2つめは、Longman Active study(2004)にも掲載してる。 shipのは何だ?SA3にあった ●come in handy● をACで用例から削除しやがった。SA5にもない。 しかも用例で7番目って、、、
people In those first years the roads were peopled with refugees shrouded up in their clothing. 埋め尽くされている Cormac McCarthy, The Road 動詞用法は何回かみたことあるけどbe peopled with は未見だったかな
仮定法とっているのは未見だった いかにも取れそうだけども watch The boy sat tottering. The man watched him that he not topple into the flames. 注意する Cormac McCarthy, The Road
こういうタイプの描写は人物描写よりも難しいことが多い jackknife When the bridge came in sight below them there was a tractor-trailer jackknifed sideways across it and wedged into the buckled iron railings. 連結部がくの字に折れ曲がる Cormac McCarthy, The Road 横倒しになった車が橋の手すりに衝突している状態
notion They studied the pieces of map but he'd little notion of where they were. 見当 Cormac McCarthy, The Road
matted He washed his dirty matted hair and bathed him with the soap and sponges. ビッシリと絡み合った Cormac McCarthy, The Road
noon The cart was too heavy to push into the wet woods and they nooned in the middle of the road and fixed hot tea and ate the last of the canned ham with crackers and with mustard and applesauce. 休んでランチを食べる Cormac McCarthy, The Road 米方言 これは珍しい用法か この小説は特にinformal表現を追求したという作品ではないので より一層どうしてもこの語じゃないとダメなのかなと思ってしまう
これは丁寧に語義を自作しました nook A little later Frodo came out of the study to see how things were going on, and found her still about the place, investigating nooks and corners, and tapping the floors. 家の隅や凹みに設けられた静かな空間 J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
【小話その1】 CODの"commutate"の解説が心許ないので気になったのだが、 まさか市販の英和辞書も「整流器」の一言で済ましてまいか? 一般に「整流器」は"rectifier"で、"commutator"もモーターとか 発電機についてるやつだぞ。訳語としては「整流器」でもしょうがないんだが、 意味をとって日本語に置き換えれば「回転整流スイッチ」だ。 wikiの記述が正しい: A commutator is a moving part of a rotary electrical switch in certain types of electric motors and electrical generators that periodically reverses the current direction between the rotor and the external circuit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commutator_(electric) 掃除機のモーターで寿命が一番早いのは右の写真で(B) brushとあるやつな。 これは部品だけなら500円〜1000円ぐらいでお取り寄せ可能。 ちょっと練習すれば自分で修理可能。 これの寿命だけのために掃除機が捨てられるのは何とも残念である。 俺様/アテクシの辞書を持つべき証左であるな。
【小話その2】 NYTimesの記事であるが ‘It Had to Be Stopped’: Heroes Rise Amid France Terror Attacks http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/23/world/europe/france-terrorist-attacks.html 掴みの冒頭の一文 Terrorist attacks in France come often enough that they can seem to be variations on a painful pattern: carnage followed by disbelief, then condemnations, condolences, and shrines of flowers, candles and letters for the dead. 俺様が現在Cの項を編集中であるのでcarnage, condemnations, condolencesと 続くのは歓迎することとは別に、variations on a painful patternの表現が 秀逸であるな。 昔習った「フランス人は個人主義であるから不親切」というのは真っ赤な嘘で、 事実はまったく逆で非常に親切であることを俺様もフランスに渡米するたびに 痛感している(ただし役人等の特権階級を除く)。 内容的にも医科歯科の入試問題に採用してもゑぢやまいか。 triageとか知らんやつは問答無用で落としてもゑぢやまいか。
sprout Tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever he went, in the most extraordinary fashion. 芽を出す, 現れる J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
arguably Hawaii’s been called the island of eternal summer, but since it’s in the Northern Hemisphere there are, arguably, four seasons of a sort. おそらく Haruki Murakami, What I Talk about When I Talk about Running
invariably People in Cambridge are always surprised when they hear I’m spending August in Hawaii. “Why would you want to spend summer in a hot place like that?” they invariably ask. いつもきまって Haruki Murakami, What I Talk about When I Talk about Running
(microchip) (also CHIP) a very small piece of SILICON or a similar material carring a complex electronic circuit
・ recent advances in microchip tecnology ・ microchip computer
●OALD6(2000) = 最新版 --- 流石に、シリコン だの書くのは狭義だと気が付いてる。 (microchip) (also CHIP) a very small piece of material that is a semiconducter , used to carry a complicated electronic circuit
Haruki Murakami, What I Talk about When I Talk about Running 終了。読み切りました。ファン向けやね。文壇や私小説的世界から距離を 置こうとするあまり、格好つけてて心に迫ってこない。文学との絡みも不発でした。
lethargic No matter how much long-distance running might suit me, of course there are days when I feel kind of lethargic and don't want to run. 無気力の Haruki Murakami, What I Talk about When I Talk about Running, trans. Philip Gabriel
one and only These girls are, after all, brand-new students at the one and only Harvard University. かの有名な Haruki Murakami, What I Talk about When I Talk about Running, trans. Philip Gabriel
glib “My impression,” said the King, “was that Howl is an unprincipled, slippery rogue with a glib tongue and a clever mind. Would you agree?” 口の達者な Diana Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle 👀 Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:0be15ced7fbdb9fdb4d0ce1929c1b82f)
Andy Weir, The Martianを読みながら進める。 物主語は個人的に好ましい用例です。 理由はわからないけど入れたくなります。
afford His office in Building 1 afforded him a commanding view of the large park in the center of the Johnson Space Center complex. Andy Weir, The Martian
neaten She neatened the border of her sari where it rose diagonally across her chest. きちんと整える Jhumpa Lahiri, Mrs. Sen's, Interpreter of Maladies
navigate Never taking her eyes off her phone, she deftly [skillfully] navigated around the edge of the room, avoiding people and chairs, and sat in her usual spot. うまく通り抜ける Andy Weir, The Martian
下は関係代名詞と倒置の合わせ技。こういうのは 文法索引を別につくってアクセスしやすいようにするつもり。 gesture With his chin, Luke gestures across the lobby toward the hotel bar, from which come boisterous conversations and the notes of a live saxophone player. 身振りで示す Curtis Sittenfeld, Gender-Studies, New Yorker, August 29, 2016
Parce qu'il y aura constamment un décalage entre le temps concret où s'inscrivent les événements courants et ★le temps pour lequel parle Fidel★ :
書物の題名:L'Empire U.S. contre Cuba (1988年) (題名を英訳すると、The U.S. Empire against Cuba になる)
なるべく直訳っぽく英訳してみる。 Because there will always be a gap between the concrete time when the current events are included (OR registered) and ★the time for which Fidel speaks★.
★の印をつけた部分は、フランス語と英訳とが対応している。ここで le temps pour lequel parle Fidel を英語に直訳すると、 the time for which speaks Fidel となり、"for which" という意味の "pour lequel" のあとに Fidel speaks という意味の言葉を倒置させて "parle Fidel" となっている。
上記の他にも https://www.google.co.jp/#newwindow=1&tbm=bks&q=%22pour+lequel+parle+%22 というページを見ると "pour lequel parle" (= for which speaks) というフランス語の string of words を含んだ例文が並ぶけど、 けっこう新しい文献でもこのように "前置詞 + 関係代名詞" のあとに 倒置が見られる。
turn out Turns out being on the surface of Mars for a few million years eliminates all the water in the soil. Andy Weir, The Martian, it turns outの口語的変化系 この形はG5にはないが、W3とO2にはある。
これは模範的用例かな。文脈が自然です。 sea The sea of reporters raised their hands. “Cathy, let's start with you," Venkat said, pointing to the CNN reporter. 非常に多くの Andy Weir, The Martian
これは本作品の冴えがよく出ているので採用。 colonize They say once you grow crops somewhere you have officially colonized it. So technically, I colonized Mars. 入植する Andy Weir, The Martian
Andy Weir, The Martian終了。 ユーモアが平易で読みやすい。SFの本尊である社会学的 アプローチがもう少し展開すると思いきやサクッと終わる。
unreadable When he tried to open the image his viewer reported that the file was unreadable. データが読み込めない状態 Andy Weir, The Martian たいした語義ではないが、G5にはあってW3にはなかった。
back Back on Earth, universities and governments are willing to pay millions to get their hands on Mars rocks. I’m using them as ballast. では Andy Weir, The Martian 話し手が自分の故郷などを話題にする時や場面の転換などに用いられる(W3) これはさすがW3の談話的表現の強さがでている。G5は特になし。
普段探しているハイフォン付き形容詞のいい表現もあった。 I did some back-of-the-napkin math and the slope should be pretty safe. Andy Weir, The Martian 同種のback-of-the-envelope calculationが有名
少し英語に慣れていれば英語のconは「together 共」、generは 「genus 種」と読めるので、和語でいえば「同種」の意味になることは 抵抗なく理解できるであろう。vocabulary.comに引かれる新聞などの 用例も Darker hard liquors and wines contain more ●congeners●, which are chemicals that exacerbate hangovers. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/dry-january-why-irsquom-taking-a-month-off-the-booze/ のようなものが多いので、数少ない英和辞書の良心であるロングマン英和に 載ってなくても落胆することはない。少し英語に慣れれば「同種」と 類推できる。辞書になければカキコすればよい。そんなことを10年も 続ければカキコが結構な分量になるから、サバチカルなどを利用して、 あるとき俺様/アテクシの辞書にまとめ上げればよい。
vocabulary.comの定義は 2. a minor chemical constituent that gives a wine or liquor its distinctive character これは俺様のCOD(11th,2004)の 2. a minor chemical constituent, especially one giving a distinctive character to a wine or spirit を踏襲したものだろう。 CODはderivativesとして"congeneric"と"congenerous"の2語を挙げる。 congenerはこの2語の名詞形ともとらえうることがわかる。 とすれば意味は「共(生)産物」だ。
aim Kaoru aims the light of the floor lamp at the prostitute's face and examines her wounds more closely. 向ける Haruki Murakami, After Dark, trans. Jay Rubin
前置詞の目的語が制限用法の関係代名詞を従えているものを探していたので これはよかった。 now In his bedroom that was a living-room now the wall-bed was up, Spade took Brigid O’Shaughnessy’s hat and coat, made her comfortable in a padded rocking chair, and telephoned the Hotel Belvedere. 今はこうなので Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon now thatの省略, 接続詞的働き
下も今日見つけたものだが、これがたぶんカッコいい 書き方だったんだろうなあという感じ。
weigh He stood beside the fireplace and looked at her with eyes that studied, weighed, judged her without pretense that they were not studying, weighing, judging her. Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon
コンマなしで形容詞を4つ連ねる文を見つけた。 わりとうれしい。 The life he knew was a clean orderly sane responsible affair. Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon
sift Miller’s team includes a crew of several dozen multilingual people sifting through websites and social media. ふるいにかける, 精査する Steven Brill, Is America Any Safer?, Atlantic, September, 2016 実は基本義と比喩の訳語をどう並べるかというルールは決めていない。 ちょっと妙案が浮かばないので放置している。
artifice It takes a lot of artifice to create convincing “natural” scenery. 術策 Nathaniel Rich, When Parks Were Radical, Atlantic, September, 2016
say “Can I ask you one more question?” “Of course.” “Say you took my sister to that hotel and had sex with her. Hypothetically speaking.” 仮に…だとする Haruki Murakami, After Dark, trans. Jay Rubin
補語の関係代名詞はあまりないので、大切な用例。 紙媒体の記事ではないからとは言ってられない。 the man his father was I asked Baird, who is a musician and composer living in upstate New York, about the man his father was, about his approach to writing “Hiroshima,” and about the enigma of his authorial persona. Russell Shorto, John Hersey, the Writer Who Let “Hiroshima” Speak for Itself, New Yorker, August 31, 2016 (web)
pilfer She drank heavily, and became addicted to the painkillers she could pilfer in her job as a nurse, and later to heroin. くすねる Alec MacGillis and ProPublica, The Original Underclass, Atlantic, September, 2016 購読はじめたばかりのAtlanticから。こんなのが採れると購読したことが報われる。
twirl At his desk, thinking, Shirakawa twirls a silver-coloured pencil between his fingers. くるくる回転させる Haruki Murakami, After Dark, trans. Jay Rubin
後置された分詞の否定 Those not playing are drinking coffee from a thermos jug, checking their sheet music, or working on their instruments as they listen. Haruki Murakami, After Dark, trans. Jay Rubin これは探そうと思ってはいなかったが目に止まった。わざわざ この形を掲載している文法書は見たことがないが、仮に文法を 6000項目程度用意するとしたら、こういうがあってもいいだろう。 ただ自分の文法事項把握能力をもうすこし上げないといけない。
decorously Free of all confusion, Eri now sleeps decorously in her bed. Her black hair fans out on her pillow in elegant, wordless significance. 品良く Haruki Murakami, After Dark, trans. Jay Rubin
conspiracy theoryというのが俺様のCODに載っている。 これは世の中を考える上で現代用語の基礎知識(死語)的な重要語であって、 これを載せるOxford出版局はさすがである。 wikiによると https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory OEDは the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties; spec. a belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event" として1909年の用例を初出としている、というのだが、 残念ながら俺様のOED(縮刷版)には見当たらない。 日本語のwikiの「陰謀論」の項には、「conspiracy theoryを「陰謀論」と 訳すのは間違いで、「権力者共同謀議理論」と訳すべき」という説を挙げているが、 これはOEDの定義に近いっぽい。
marital They [Jane Austen and Honoré de Balzac] grasped the hidden contours of wealth and its inevitable implications for the lives of men and women, including their marital strategies and personal hopes and disappointments. 結婚をめぐる Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, trans. Arthur Goldhammer
convene In January 1784 Jones convened the inaugural meeting of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, which was to be for India what the Royal Society was for England. 開催する Edward Said, Orientalism かのA is to B what C is to D型構文。久しぶりに見た。
fume The boys now accept Olivia and Tashi in class and more mothers are sending their daughters to school. The men do not like it: who wants a wife who knows everything her husband knows? they fume. But the women have their ways, and they love their children, even their girls. 腹を立てる Alice Walker, The Color Purple
(つづき)【やや難】 英語版wikiの"conspiracy theory"の項を見ると、こんなのを引いてるんだが↓ http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0147905 「陰謀論」は信奉者の告発で崩壊するからその寿命は信奉者数に比例する、 という単純で誤ったモデルで数字まで出しながら、過去の前例について そのモデルの検証は一切しない、というシミュ一辺倒学派(笑)の誤謬の典型である。 こんなお馬鹿な論を挙げるところを見ると書いているのは David Robert Grimes 某 本人であろう。wikiを見るにも眼力の要る証左であるな。
有名学術商業出版誌にNature、Science、Cellの御三家(略称CNS)があり、 impact factorなどを捏造して頻りに世の中を煽ってビジネスをしており、これも conspiracyの一例である。自分のアタマで考え抜く人士ならCNSなど相手にしないが、 医学生物系には非常にありがたがるヤカラが多い。悲しい世の中である。 David Robert Grimes 某はNature系の賞を貰っているから軽薄な手合いと断定できる。
今日はまあ合格。 J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbitの平易さと文体の気持ちよさが すこし分かった気がする。知り合いにhe Hobbitの原書愛読者が いるが、なるほどと少し理解できてうれしい。友人の好きなものの 良さを実感できることは、隠れた、しかし大いなる喜びといえよう。
content Anaxandrides had as his wife his own sister’s daughter, and although he was content with her, no children were born to him. 満足している "Herodotus, Histories, trans. A. D. Godley as 句の場所もポイント。権利は切れているが、Loebのものと同じ。
Goblins are not afraid of fire, and they soon had a plan which seemed to them most amusing. J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit これも語順絡み。語法はコーパスを検索すればすぐに見つかるものも多い。 ifとかね。ただ語順系は少し難しいので、普段から探す必要がある。
consonant Her eyelids twitched up then for an instant over dulled golden-brown eyes and she managed to say all of “Yes” except the final consonant. 子音 Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon
drink There were no more groans or grumbles. They drank his health, and they patted him on the back, and (…) 健康を祈って乾杯する J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit これはW3にある。Wは、熟してないけど単なるコロケ でもないというか、そういった表現にとにかく強い。
dear "Dear me!" grumbled the hobbit. "More walking and more climbing without breakfast! やれやれ J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
have loose bowels 下痢している(→やや気取った表現。一般的には have dirrgea) と注意を促す記述をしてる。 G2/プラクティカルジーニアス でも have diarrhea が一般的とある。
G5 では bowel は避ける理由が詳細に記述してある。 ・本来は遠回しな言い方であるが「しまりのない腸」というイメージでこのほうがかえって生々しいので、 専門用語を使った have diarrheaというのが普通
で、shipはどうか 柴田ニューアンカー have loose bowels 下痢している(→この表現は露骨な感じを与えるので日常会話では避けられる→ runs) SA have loose bowels おなかがゆるい (→必ずしも「下痢状態」ではない;その場合は have the runs や have diarrhea が用いられる)
The HobbitとThe Maltese Falcon終了。 Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden開始
brokenly She escaped from his arm as if it had hurt her. “Don’t, please, don’t touch me,” she said brokenly. 途切れ途切れに Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon
このcried her eyes redははじめて見た。 熟した表現で似たものはあった気がするけど。 My mother cried her eyes red for the next several days, but oddly enough I couldn't bring myself to grieve. Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Warden
>>795 cried her eyes red は、僕も初めて見た。それで思い出すけど、"Cry Me a River" という有名な歌があって、いろんな歌手がカバーで歌ってる。この言葉はおそらく 詩や歌の世界でしか使わない表現というか、おそらくこの歌の中でしか使われていない 独自の表現なんだろうとは思うけど、誰からもこの言葉の意味を説明してもらわなくっても すぐによくわかる実に素晴らしい表現だ。
In Southeast Asia, Japan's Shiseido already owns a factory in Vietnam. As South Korean TV dramas and music help increase the popularity of Korean cosmetics among youth, competition between Japanese and South Korean rivals ●looks set to intensify● in Asia.
>>800 cry one's eyes out という有名なidiomはあるけど、 これははじめカンマ忘れかと思った。
今日はたいしたものはなかった。The Paris Review秋号が 出てるので、明日チェックしよう。
roll Two o'clock rolled around and the bar closed. 回る, 過ぎる Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden
"I’ve often heard that if you go through something really intense your perception of the world will change entirely. 認識, 理解 Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden
>>803 cry one's eyes out か。泣きすぎて両目が飛び出てしまう(流れ出てしまう)くらい だという誇張表現だな。面白い。それによく似た表現として、次のものを思い出す。 (1) to work your butt off (2) to fuck her brains out (下品ですまん) (3) to scare the shit out of you (下品ですまん) (4) to irritate the daylight out of you (5) to laugh your ass off
An independent has to run an expensive gantlet to gather enough signatures to get on the ballot in all the states, suffers a severe disadvantage in fund-raising, and is effectively barred from the fall presidential debates by a commission loaded with party stalwarts.
run the gantlet(gauntlet)この熟語の起源が面白いと思う。 アメリカインディアンも似たことやるし。
それなりに充実。 spread out I dreamed that I was sitting on a bench, staring across a vast landscape spread out endlessly before me. 広がる Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden これは採集すべき用例で、自動詞の過去分詞が後置修飾している。
have to (…) It’s like he's suddenly turned into a demon.” “Mom, do you have to be so frank? That’s quite a vivid expression.” I laughed. Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden W3では談話表現としてわざわざ立項しているが、やり過ぎかなと。
slight She felt that no child should be slighted by being called “little” or “junior” or any other diminutive. 軽く扱われる Ann Beattie, Panthers, The Paris Review, No. 218, Spring 2016 diminutive 指小辞 はコラム化有力候補か。
「猶」という単語(文字)については知らないけど、単純な例を挙げると「我爱你」 (wo ai ni = I love you.) の例で「愛」という文字が「愛する」という動詞にも なるし名詞にもなり、それに少し何かを足せばひょっとしたら形容詞とか副詞にも なるだろうと思う。基本的に中国語は、一つの単語(というか一つの文字)は 一つの概念を持っていて、それが名詞・動詞・副詞・形容詞・前置詞などになりうる。 すべての文字(単語)がすべての品詞になりうるわけじゃないけど、かなり自由だよね。 だから中国語においてそれぞれの単語(文字)の品詞をうんぬんするのは、 あまり意味があるとは僕には思えないんだ。
この漢文をそのまま英語に直訳すると、次のようになるかな? My having Komei (孔明) ●resembles● a fish's having water. (= I have Komei just as a fish has water. = Komei is with me just as water is with a fish.)
というわけで、"猶 = to resemble" と理解すればよくわかるというわけだね。 夏目漱石が漢文を徹底的に勉強したあとに英語に入ったとき、そんなふうに 理解していっただろうから、漢文を熟知していない人に比べたら 英語の勉強が楽だったろうな。)
今日は普通。 tepid I sat next to the swimming pool, drained [very tired], surrounded by the tepid air. 生ぬるい Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden
my “What you’re trying to say is that love symbolizes a certain condition.” “My, you’re clever with words, aren’t you?” My mother laughed. あら Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden
greedily Yoshio grabbed a plate piled high with fried prawns and munched on them greedily in front of the TV. ガツガツと Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden
abrupt “I have a wife in Saipan,” Kozumi stated firmly. I was taken aback by his abrupt comment. 突然の Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita, trans. Russell F. Wasden
Forgotten English 2017 Boxed/Daily Calendar これちょっと欲しくなったわ。
SA3/AC 1.…に順位を付ける、、、 ・He ranks Keats above Shelley. 彼はキーツをシェリーよりもすぐれた詩人であると考えている ・I rank the work among the greatest novels [as a great novel]. 私はその作品を一流の小説と考える。 2.《米》…の上位にある(outrank) ・A major ranks a captain. 少佐は大尉よち上である(→outranksというほうが普通)
------------------- ↓ 改悪 SA5 1.…に順位を付ける、、、 ・He ranks Kawabata above Mishima. 彼は川端を三島の上位に位置づけている ・'"War and Peace" is ranked among the greatest novels [as a great novel]. 「戦争と平和」は一流の小説と考えられている。
>>871 >>Ravi drove a BMW in high school; Clementi didn’t have a car.
なるほど。そういう使い方もできるっていうことをはっきり示してくれてるね。 日本語でこれに似たことが書いてあったら、おそらく「〜は〜だった ●が●、〜は〜だった」 とか「〜なのに、〜」とかいうふうになっているだろうから、それを英文に翻訳する ときについつい (1) Ravi drove a BMW in high school, while Clementi didn’t have a car. (2) Ravi drove a BMW in high school, but Clementi didn’t have a car. (3) Ravi drove a BMW in high school. Clementi, however, didn’t have a car. とかいうふうに僕なんか書いてしまう。そしてもっと簡潔にしたいときは (4) Ravi drove a BMW in high school. Clementi didn’t have a car.
loudly Deeb loudly protested his innocence, claiming he knew nothing about the killings. 声高に Micheal Hall, The Murders at the Lake, Texas Monthly, April 2014
wispy The victim, he could see, was just a boy, with a wispy mustache. うっすらとした Micheal Hall, The Murders at the Lake, Texas Monthly, April 2014
今日は苦労した。 この表現は簡単に用例がみつかるのだが、まあこれでもいいかと。 chance Chances were the girl had been watching me the whole time I was there. ひょっとすると Haruki Murakami , The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, trans. Jay Rubin
これはいい用例かな。 setting When Salman Rushdie visited Adelaide in 1984, he called it “the ideal setting for a Stephen King novel, or horror film.” 舞台設定 Graeme Wood, The Lost Man, The California Sunday Magazine, June 7, 2015
stem Another line of evidence stemmed from a suitcase left at the luggage counter of the train station on the day of the dead man’s canceled bus ticket and never collected. 生じる Graeme Wood, The Lost Man, The California Sunday Magazine, June 7, 2015 これはウーンとなった。というのも自分は普段こういうのにケチつけないんだけど、 この場合、やっぱりand never collectedの繋がりが相当わかりにくいので。
>>892 (1) 原文:Another line of evidence stemmed from a suitcase left at the luggage counter of the train station on the day of the dead man’s canceled bus ticket ★and never collected★.
(2) 書き直し案(最後の三つの単語を前に移動させ、afterwards を加えて、 dash を2本、付け加えただけ) Another line of evidence stemmed from a suitcase left — and never collected afterwards — at the luggage counter of the train station on the day of the dead man’s canceled bus ticket.
>>891 >>Another line of evidence stemmed from a suitcase left at the luggage counter of the train station on the day of the dead man’s canceled bus ticket ★and never collected★.
(3) Another line of evidence stemmed from a suitcase left at the luggage counter of the train station on the day of the dead man’s canceled bus ticket ★That evidence was never collected afterwards until found by the authorities.★
しかしこうなるともちろん、長くなってしまう。これを単に That evidence was never collected afterwards. としてしまうと、 ダメだろうな。原文では until found by... がなくても、その前の stemmed from... とのつながりから考えたら理解できたんだが、 新たな別の文を作って That evidence was... とすると、 until found by... をつけないといけないような気がする。