Look at this thing. Uber calls it an “aerial taxi.” Our friends at Gizmodo call it a “flying car.” But it’s not. There are airplanes.
There are helicopters. There’s no such thing as a flying car, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.
Look at that absolute nonsense. Yes, it looks like ten whirling death blades of flying mediocrity. Yes, it looks like a helicopter.
Yes, it might even look like an airplane. But what it is definitely NOT is a flying car.
Now I hate to be the one to be the bearer of news like this, friend. We’ve all wanted flying cars. We all want to believe,
deep down, that it’s something that could happen within our lifetimes. We’ve got watches that function like TV remotes now, after all, so why not flying cars? We’re in the future, after all.
And there have been a host of charlatans who would like you to believe that they have created flying “cars.”
There’s these people and these people and these peopleand these people.
Even Gizmodo’s own Matt Novak, usually someone who is Good and Excellent, was drawn onto the rocks of the flying car sirens (hi Matt).
But those are not flying cars. Again, take this new one, from Uber:
![メディア「Uberが空飛ぶ車を発表!」どう見ても車じゃねえなんだが、と突っ込まれる [981340838]->画像>9枚](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--mpyL5sAd--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/sycxjsmpmntohzk1pbyj.jpg)
![メディア「Uberが空飛ぶ車を発表!」どう見ても車じゃねえなんだが、と突っ込まれる [981340838]->画像>9枚](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--maUWwxPI--/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/vcyh5bh53xgdnify0zog.png)